
Every day

is an adventure in


and Fun !

Mount Banyan Global Kids
Play Video

Nurturing Young Minds

We believe, every child is special and intelligent and every child has the potential to excel. Mount Banyan Global Kids provides our toddlers with a loving and caring facilitator, and an enriching curriculum that enhances their curiosity to explore and inculcates interest to learn more, the Vibrant spaces give joy of the learning experience. Children at MBGKids build their curiosity  for a life long learning, develop their physical strength with our motor skill programme and build self confidence.

Unique learning Environment

At MBG Kids, Within the themes, children learn all the major subject areas like Numeracy skills, Language Skills, Theme & Conceptual Skills, Art and Craft, Speech & Drama, and Second Language (Hindi) in Kindergarten classes.

Physical Development

Creative and Cognitive Development

Language Development

Personal emotional and Social Development


Creative Time

Art & Craft

Puzzles and blocks

Life skills

Free Play with Technology Corner

Exploring the nature

seeds for a bright future!

It is believed that the infrastructure design of the school has a major influence on the students’ attitude, behaviour and learning. The school infrastructure  is designed to inspire curiosity and provides an environment that is calm, engaging and responsive to each child at all stages of his or her development. The building is extremely spacious and colourful, offering an interactive learning environment that would help them to develop a relationship with their most loved preschool.

The furniture has been curetted keeping the safety of children in mind. The architecture is such that it attracts children towards the school, promotes activities and increases peer learning opportunities by making the whole campus a child friendly one.

Preschool Education

Preschool in Hyderabad, Telangana


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